Book an Appointment
Any services/appointments at Skipping Stone you don’t see here can be booked through the Community Care Coordinator you previously met with. You can email them by putting their first name before “” (ie If you would like to request a phone appointment instead of an online video or in person appointment, please email to set that up!
Please Note- Skipping Stone’s offices have moved! Our new address is 1900, 736 6 Ave SW Calgary
Welcome to the Skipping Stone Booking Site!
Community Intake - Adults
A Community Intake is your first step for accessing many of Skipping Stone's 1-on-1 services.
You'll meet your Community Care Coordinator who will explore your needs & goals with you and from there work collaboratively to develop an action plan to get you connected to the supports & services you're looking for.
In an intake you can expect to hear a little more about who we are, our values, the services we offer and explore how they align with your needs. Skipping Stone values autonomy and empowerment of our clients which means during your intake, and beyond, we support you in sharing what your goals are with us and then work with you towards achieving them without preconception or assumptions of how that might look. Everyone is welcome to attend an intake and everyone's intake and experience with Skipping Stone is tailored specifically to them.
Please Note:
• Community Intakes are the first point of contact only. If you've already had an intake and are looking for a followup appointment, please contact your Community Care Coordinator to book and do not use our online system.
• Skipping Stone does not provide crisis intervention services. If you are in distress and need immediate support, please contact:
If there is an immediate threat to your safety, please phone 911.
• All online booking process and electronic communications conforms to the Personal Information Protection Act, the Alberta Health Information Act and all other applicable legislation.
Community Intake - Youth & Families
A Community Intake is your first step for accessing many of Skipping Stone's 1-on-1 services.
You'll meet your Community Care Coordinator who will explore your needs & goals with you and from there work collaboratively to develop an action plan to get you connected to the supports & services you're looking for.
In an intake you can expect to hear a little more about who we are, our values, the services we offer and explore how they align with your needs. Skipping Stone values autonomy and empowerment of our clients which means during your intake, and beyond, we support you in sharing what your goals are with us and then work with you towards achieving them without preconception or assumptions of how that might look. Everyone is welcome to attend an intake and everyone's intake and experience with Skipping Stone is tailored specifically to them.
Please Note:
• Community Intakes are the first point of contact only. If you've already had an intake and are looking for a followup appointment, please contact your Community Care Coordinator to book and do not use our online system.
• Skipping Stone does not provide crisis intervention services. If you are in distress and need immediate support, please contact:
If there is an immediate threat to your safety, please phone 911.
• All online booking process and electronic communications conforms to the Personal Information Protection Act, the Alberta Health Information Act and all other applicable legislation.
Trans ID Clinic
The Trans ID Clinic with Skipping Stone is for anyone who would like support in the legal name and/or gender marker change process. This is in person in Skipping Stone's office and you will be paired with a volunteer and a lawyer to go through paperwork. Please read your confirmation email carefully for more details once you have booked!
Gender Affirming Gear
A Gender Affirming Gear Appointment is where you meet with one of our specialists to learn about various gender gear items such as binders, breast forms, packers and gaffs. You will try on different brands as available and learn about safe and effective use.
All gender gear is offered at cost with a bursary program available for those to whom cost is a barrier.
Select a service
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

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